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#Sponsor Link Tilter

If you've been paying any attention to the trends of Spring/Summer 2011, I'm sure you've gathered Neutrals, 70's, lace and metallics are just a few of the looks you'll be seeing too much of on your local streets and in clubs in your neighborhood during the coming hotter months. And as many of you also may already know, trends don't stop at clothes, they slither right on into hairstyles, accessories, bags and shoes. My friend recently requested a post about sunglasses for the summer. The following includes my take on finding the right pair for you.

[top row] Decorated Sunglasses are huge this season; they give much character to the face. However, unless you're going to a really retro event, or retro is just your everyday style, I wouldn't invest too much money in a pair of these #onlywearforoneseason trend poppers.

[bottom row] The round rounds are also big. These locs are often credited to the late John Lennon in the 70's due to his donning of the round rounds and making them a popular must-have way back then. Now I find these to be more practical, however, please beware! You MUST know your face shape before purchasing. Yes, they're fun, yes, they can be cute on the right face but everyone does not have the right face for these bottle tops. If you do choose to move forward, pick a color you will be able to wear in 2012, 2013 and 2027. When shopping in trends its important to pick a style, color, shape that will last longer than the trend's listed tenure on

One of the trends I do like are the square frames. I think it's important to note: I like them because they work well with my face shape. The key to choosing the right frame is paying close attention to the size and proportion on YOUR face. Not the lady in the picture, Not the celebrity you saw wearing them in US Mag., on YOUR face because YOU are the only one who will be stuck with a pair of glasses that make you look like Left Eye (R.I.P.) with the yellow glasses in the What About Your Friends video. (bottom right)

The last sunglasses trend I will cover today are the cat eye frames. This style was made popular by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's and designers have decided to bring them back. This style works best for reverse triangle-shaped faces; there are two types of cat designs: very sharp and less defined. I prefer the less defined, because, I don't have an upside down triangular face. I prefer the two-tone locs photo'ed below, that's more of my speed but like I say, "to each her own!"

The moral of this post was to shed some light on what's "in" this season and what to look for when shopping sunglass trends. But, let me say this, as I'm getting more seasoned in age and wisdom, my suggestion is to buy classic. Sure, it's fun to indulge in trend from time-to-time, however, please don't spend your whole paycheck or tax return on all the latest defined popular picks you saw or read about in a magazine or on a website. The moral to truly looking and feeling good about yourself, is to really KNOW yourself inside and out and realize what you've been given and finding items out in the world that will help you accentuate the assets you have. The goal is to pump up what you're proud of and camouflage what you're not, {notice how I didn't say replace, cut off, suck out, or file down.} If you're really looking to get a pair of sun-blockers that you will be able to wear for years and years to come, please, Don't Go Trend! Research your face shape, and find all the styles that enhance your natural beauty. Classic goes a long way and since the overall goal is to always be more than happy with a purchase, its imperative you take the time to find what really works..... for you!

photos courtesy of,, and various internet searches


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